Friday, February 24, 2012

February 24th...Really?

Pink Flamingo Fabric: Instant Rice Paste Resist, Colgate and Colored White Glue

Temperature prediction for today: 75 Vienna, Virginia! Hmm...feeling more like Florida.


  1. No fair! We had 35 and 3 inches of snow yesterday morning. The wind is howling around the house this right now and the snow is still covering the ground. I'll take your 75!

  2. Well, it's been a bizarre winter around here. We've had no snow! The skies opened up yesterday and dumped a lot of rain and then the wind picked up. I know that Aaron must be disappointed about no major snowstorms (though he's had more snow out in the mountains in Harrisonburg).

    I had a question about your new copyright info on your blog. Where did you go to set that up? I don't want to scare people away from "pinning" me once I set that up but I also want to protect my designs and ideas, if I can.

  3. Ahh...wouldn't you know it...I spoke too soon. We are, as of this moment, having a snow shower!
