Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hand Stitching ONLINE: Theme #3: Texture

Please join me for the Fall 2020 Hand Stitching class! Five 2.5 hour sessions (10:00 AM - 3:30 PM eastern US time) starting on Wednesday, September 30. For more information and to register:

Jude J: Texture Stitch Challenge

Texture was the theme for class #3 in the Spring session of Hand Stitching ONLINE (offered through The Art League School). Discussion focused on the concepts of Actual Texture (texture you can touch) versus Visual Texture (the representation of texture using marks) in art. Marks made with hand stitching can cover both categories as seen above in Jude J.'s piece. The marks created with stitch are representative of a nest or fur (visually) but one could also feel the actual texture of the raised stitches on the fabric's surface.

Barbara B. Texture Stitch Sampler

Another topic discussed was that of Stitch Density. Dense areas of stitching are more effective when surrounded by areas of less dense stitching.

Barbara B. Texture Stitch Challenge

In this class session, students were also challenged to create a "new" stitch by combining stitches covered in the first three sessions. Jill B. met the challenge and even drew these beautiful illustrations! 

"New" stitches by Jill B.

Sampler of "new" stitches by Jill B.

I continue to be inspired by watching my students explore each class theme. I hope you enjoy viewing their work with a focus on Texture.

Jill B.: Texture Stitch Challenge

Carolyn L.: Texture Stitch Sampler

Irene C.: Texture Stitch Sampler

Kristin A.: Texture Stitch Challenge

Judy P.: Texture Stitch Challenge using commercial fabric

Martha P.: Texture Stitch Challenge

Myania M.: Texture Stitch Challenge

Roberta A.: Texture Stitch Challenge

Sherry W.: Texture Stitch Sampler

Susan T.: Texture Stitch Challenge using hand painted fabric.

Susan T.: Texture Stitch Challenge using hand painted fabric

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hand Stitching ONLINE: Theme #2--Pattern and Rhythm

Jill B.: Mosaic/cellular patterning

Update: Please join me for the Fall 2020 Hand Stitching class! Five 2.5 sessions starting on Wednesday, September 30. For more information and to register:

This is the second post about my Hand Stitching class (taught through The Art League School) that moved online this spring. The focus of this lesson was Pattern and Rhythm. We had some discussion about the definitions of Pattern and Rhythm. One definition -- Patterns in Nature-- focused on patterns as "organizing structures", including: symmetry, branching, meanders, waves, mosaics/cellular, spirals, fractals, spheres, polyhedra, and lattices. This became one of the possible jumping off points for the Journal Prompt and Stitch Challenge for this lesson. The stitches we covered were all looped stitches.

Jill B. : Journal Prompt 
Roberta A.: Journal Prompt

During class time, the focus was working on stitch samplers. Continuing to explore and manipulate the stitches in different ways to get different effects.

Jill B.: Looped Stitch Sampler
Irene C.: Looped Stitch Sampler
Jude J: Looped Stitch Sampler
Roberta A.: Looped Stitch Sampler
Martha P.: Looped Stitch Sampler
Susan T.: Chain Stitch Variations
Pauline S.: Looped Stitch Sampler

Students had some choices for their stitch challenges. They could be directly related to the Journal Prompt on natural patterns.

Barbara B.: Cellular
Barbara B. Geode- Lattices
Carolyn L.: Branching
Kristin A.: Meanders
Kristin A.: Spirals
Martha P.: Cellular
Mary K.: Fractals
Roberta A.: Mosaics

Some students used photographs as a jumping off point.

Heidi O.
Judy P.
Myania M.
Susan T.: Cabbage
One student even designed jewelry!

Irene C.

It was so inspiring to see all these different approaches to Pattern. The next blog post will be about Lesson #3--Texture! Stay tuned!

I will be teaching this Hand Stitching ONLINE class in the Fall 2020. Check back here for more information about dates and times.