Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hamsa Project: More Layers Part One

Orange hamsa after adding another layer of transparent paint

It's almost 11:00 PM and I wanted to get a post up on the blog about progress on the Hamsa project. I got a lot accomplished today but I've decided  to break it down into parts, so here goes part one.

I started out by painting another layer of transparent paint to both the hands and oval backgrounds.
Turquoise hamsa after adding another layer of transparent paint

I then added more glue using a "detailer" which is a small plastic bottle with a precision tip.
Orange hamsa after applying more glue with the detailer

Turquoise hamsa after adding more glue with the detailer

After the glue dried, I used the Pentel dye pastels to add more layers of color to the orange hamsa and its background.
Drawing with the dye pastels

I also added some color to the oval background of the turquoise hamsa. I did this by slipping a texture block under the fabric and rubbing the pastels over the fabric to pick up the design.

Rubbing on fuchsia background using pastels

I set the pastels with an iron. I am now ready to move on to the next step which is printing with opaque fabric paint. I'll go into that in part two.
After the pastels have been set

The pastels have been set. Time to move on to opaque fabric paint

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