Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hamsa Project: Finishing Layers

Orange Hamsa after printing but before removing all the freezer paper masks

Yesterday,  I worked on printing the Hamsa hands and removing all the layers of blue glue gel. Below, I show the steps on the orange Hamsa.

I first had to mask the oval areas behind the hands with freezer paper.
Positioning the freezer paper mask
Ironing on the freezer paper mask
The freezer paper mask is now attached and I'm ready to print

I then mixed up a deep orange paint and printed with a moldable foam print block.
Rolling out the opaque paint to apply to the print block
Printing with the block

I decided to add a little more color with one of the Pentel pastel dye sticks.

 This is what the Hamsas looked like after removing the freezer paper masks but before removing the glue.

I then had to set the paint and pastel using an iron.
I used parchment paper while heat setting the fabric to protect the iron

After the fabric was set, I put it in a plastic container that fits in my kitchen sink. I added some Dawn dish washing liquid and very hot water.

I let the fabric soak for 10 minutes. I used my fingernails to scrape off some of the glue. I also rubbed the fabric together to help remove more glue. Once all the glue was removed, I put it in my washing machine in a warm water delicate cycle wash.

This is how the Hamsas came out.

I have to admit that I actually liked the brighter, more graphic look of the Hamsas in the stage right before I washed the blue glue gel out of the fabric. Once the glue was removed, the Hamsas had a softer, more toned down look. I noticed that some of the color details from the pastels were completely lost.

I had planned to eventually add stitched details to the Hamsas which could "revive" them a bit. I now have to make a I continue with these pieces or attempt to do another set that does not utilize the blue glue gel as a resist. I will have to contemplate this a bit.

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