Sunday, February 24, 2013

Story Beginning and Winner Chosen

 After hemming and hawing and painting backgrounds, I finally got down to a bit of printing and painting.

This piece focuses on the sunflower. I've been looking at my book of mud cloths as a jumping off point. Now, however, it seems a bit more Native American.

We shall see where it all goes.

I also have two more pieces that I will be working on.

And now for the winner of the Searching for Roy G Biv II Red Challenge fabric...

Congratulations go to Maya Matthew of Million Little Stitches! Maya please send me an email ( with your mailing address and I will get the fabric off to you. Thanks to all of you who played this month. It was great to have so many new participants. There were some amazing photographs!


  1. Oh my!That's wonderful news Julie, I'm delighted to win,shall send you an email with my mailing address.

    1. Congrats! I received your email and will try to get it off to you this week.

  2. Congrats to lucky Maya!
    And congrats to you for getting your story off the ground on Sunday (sounds like a busy weekend!)... Amazing where inspiration comes from, and how it then seems to take on a life of its own. It should be a great class - love the focus on the story.
    I also wanted to say that I really enjoyed your latest newsletter!

    1. Hi Lisa- It's been a weekend with hesitation and going for it. I'm not sure where this is leading. Hoping to end up with a couple of successful pieces to use as examples for the class. I'm so glad you enjoyed the newsletter! I've actually gotten a number of positive comments on this particular issue...string..who knew!? Thanks!
