Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Weekly Pattern Wednesday Week #3

It's Wednesday and I'm once again posting a pattern for Lynn Krawczyk's Weekly Pattern Wednesday.

I'm again featuring a pattern from a Newsletter project...but this is brand new! Issue #28 of Julie B Booth Surface Design News comes out this Sunday, June you are getting a "sneak peak".

Here are my print blocks...and I will show you how to make them in the new issue. The Newsletter is free and comes as an email about once a month. It features fabric printing projects that use items you have around your home. Sign up is in the right hand column of this blog.

If you want to take part in today's Weekly Pattern Wednesday, post a pattern on your blog and leave a comment over on Lynn's blog. Looking forward to seeing other folks' patterns.


  1. I am looking forward to receiving your newsletter. You have so many great ideas.
    I didn't see how you had made this pattern before I scrolled down - and what a surprise your print blocks were. Fantastic idea.

    1. Yes...this was a fun project. I love just the look and feel of these little blocks...lots of potential. So glad that you're all signed up to receive the next Newsletter, Gurli!

  2. I love your pattern and I want to learn how you created them. I can see a lot of possibilities for these printing blocks.

    1. Hi Janelle- They were fun and very easy to make. Thanks for signing up for the Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it!

  3. love the colours - looks like you had fun - will have to try this with the kids over the summer holidays, then I get to play too! :)

    1. Hi Helen- I might do the same with my nieces and nephew. I always plan an art project for them when I see them over the summer. This project has just a few supplies and could be done with an ink pad on paper instead of fabric paint.
