Monday, April 23, 2012

Arresting Resists: The Week Ahead

Blended Oatmeal Resist: Spoon Dribbles and Crackle Technique

As I am still waiting for my camera to arrive, I thought I'd post some photos of the resists we will be covering this week in my Arresting Resists class.

In addition to Matzoh (see Playing in the Kitchen: Matzoh Resist series), we will be spending time playing with:

Cooked Rice Flour
Cooked Rice Flour: Applied with plastic wrap and Scratch Technique

Cooked Cornmeal
Cooked Cornmeal: Crackle Technique and Rubbing

Cooked Grits
Cooked Grits: Resist applied with bristle brushes

and two Oatmeal recipes...
Cooked Oatmeal: Applied with bristle brush and printed with a lemon
Blended Oatmeal: Applied with plastic wrap and Scratch Technique
Blended Oatmeal: Applied with bristle brush and printed

You'll never look at breakfast the same way again.


  1. I loved seeing the photos of your resist work. It speaks to their versatility - everyone uses them a little bit differently. Hope you had a great class!

    1. Hi Lisa-
      What a pleasure to hear from you! In 2010, I received a grant fr my guild to really explore "kitchen resists" was an amazing journey and is now coming to fruition with classes and hopefully future articles and a book. I look to you as a beacon. I enjoyed your articles in Quilting Arts and am looking forward to your upcoming book.
