Sunday, March 23, 2014

Healing Cloth Workshop

This weekend, I taught a new workshop at The Art League School called, Patching, Stitching, Weaving: Creating Healing Cloth.

This is a concept I've been thinking about for a while now. The act of mending cloth (patching, stitching, darning) can also mend or be healing to the maker or can serve as a means for them to create a piece that could heal another. I was inspired by two events. The first was meeting Gene and Sue Greer, a husband and wife quilting team who create memorial quilts. I was deeply moved when they told me that they work together to create special butterfly quilts for terminally ill children. A comfort for the children and then eventually for their families. The other event was designing a hamsa for my friend, Martha and after her death having the opportunity to create peace flags using her hamsa symbol. I found the act of printing and hand stitching the flags very cathartic and meaningful.

I wasn't sure that my deep connection with this idea would translate well into a class. I took a chance.

Saaraliisa Y.

I was so fortunate to have a group that was willing to take a chance with me. For two days we stitched and shared. I'm hoping that they got as much out of the experience as I did!

Susan P.
Thank you Susan, Amy, Zita, Saaraliisa and Lisa.

Zita S.

Amy J.
Amy J. (detail)

(All works are in process)


  1. So...when are you teaching this class again? A weekend class, is it? Hmmm...

    1. Perhaps this fall...don't have next year's Art League Schedule together yet. Or...if a group decided they'd like me to teach it...any thoughts? I'll let you know if something materializes. I would love to see what you'd do!

    2. Would be interesting. I'd say that if you have a good curriculum, you can propose it just about anywhere that has a fiber program.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful class for so many reasons!

    1. Hi Carol- This idea was(and is) so close to my heart and so a bit scary to put out there into the world. I was so lucky to have a willing first group of students who just dove right in. I'm looking forward to teaching it again.
