Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Boro and Beyond October 2018 Workshop Day 2

On the second day of my workshop, Boro and Beyond: The Versatile Running Stitch, we explored a number of more involved samplers. Students used running stitch to construct patchwork four-squares to work on. Other options for bases on which to stitch included a collage-style format and a sliced and woven base.
Woven base.

Students tried different techniques in each square...starting with Boro mending. After cutting tears in the square, a repair was made by patching from behind and "melding" the layers together with running stitch.

Other experiments included surface darning (creating a new fabric within an open area)--though technically not running stitch, the same in and out motion is used to weave over warp threads. Students also played with more challenging techniques such as suspending an inlay patch within an opening and weaving around a floating patch.

Surface darning.
Inlaid patch.

Finally, some students used running stitch to "distort" fabric using Kantha-style stitching and a fun ruching technique.

Distorting fabric with running stitch.

Thank you students for an enjoyable weekend of stitching and exploring!

I will be scheduling another session of this workshop at Artistic Artifacts sometime in February 2018. I'll announce the date as soon as it is on the calendar.

To see the first post about this class go here.