Thursday, October 16, 2014

Searching for Roy G Biv III: White Update #6

Exterior of Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim (KKBE)

 This month, we continue beyond the rainbow once again, with WHITE.

 I happen to be in Charleston, South Carolina so lots of local southern WHITE for me this month.

WHITE appears in a lot of the architecture and architectural details in this quaint but bustling city.

Looking up there was also WHITE!

Looking up inside the dome of  KKBE

Where did you find WHITE this month?

Post up to five WHITE photos on your blog and leave a comment here or on Jennifer Coyne Qudeen's blog. We'll link to your post and share others as well for a fun blog hop. The blog hop runs through Saturday, October 18th at midnight. I'll update as new comments come in.

I'll be traveling home to Virginia today so might not get to update until I get back worries though...there will be updates!

Check out Jennifer's typographic WHITE.

Maya at Million Little Stitches has some eclectic WHITE from a heavenly staircase to a heavenly dessert!

Lisa at arzigogolare has paper sculpture story book WHITE.

Barbara at Salt Air and Pistachios has some directional WHITES.

Eric at Cerulean has some "concise" WHITES.

Sharmon Davidson reminds us that WHITE=ROY G BIV! Love all the beautiful natural WHITES and that natural beauty in WHITE at the end of her post!

Mary Ann at Blue Sky Dreaming is celebrating WHITE.

Diane at Yarn Goddess has some sparkling WHITES. 

Margaret at Charlton Stitcher plays with the theme WHITE=new beginnings.

Joan S. has joined in this month and here is her WHITE:
Old Faithful
Mt. Rushmore
Crazy Horse (actual monument in process in background)
Homage to the Corcoran School of Art
Wax sculpture from Corcoran Museum of Art

We're extending the Search for Roy through the end of the year...
November 20: Brown
December 18: Blogger's Choice 


  1. I posted a few entries for the Search for Roy featuring WHITE at

    1. Great graphic selection of whites, Barbara! That light is really other-worldly!

  2. Hello Julie, a nice collection of whites. The sky is my favorite.
    I've just posted my whites on my blog. -eric

    1. Love your layers of white! Thanks for taking part again this month, Eric.

  3. I love the architecture of Charleston - a great place to find white - and those clouds are spectacular, Julie! I posted my whites earlier today, but was having trouble commenting.

    1. Hi Sharmon...that beautiful photos! Love your quotes about white as well. Thanks for playing!

  4. étonnante sculpture! bravo pour les photos!

    1. Merci pour les commentaires. J'espère que vous décidez de rejoindre le mois prochain .

  5. Clouds! Of course...
    There are clouds at my house but I forgot to include them in my search.

    1. Love those whiskers and your Santa story! Thanks for playing again this month, Diane.

  6. Oh my gosh the clouds! Buildings, sculpture and fences ... all beautiful. You found some great beauties in Charleston!

    1. Hi Mary Ann- thought I'd lost your comment! Charleston is a city full of white details. The clouds over the water were really spectacular that day.

  7. What a wonderful range of white you've posted - full of summer light and brightness. I've added my small contribution, rather belatedly, but at least I managed to make the deadline, unlike last month!

    1. Hi Margaret- Glad you made it this month! Enjoyed your theme...those journal look enticing!

  8. I love the crispness of the architectural whites you found on your trip, Julie! So fresh & bright - makes me want to get out the white paint and touch up all the woodwork : )
    And I thought Joan's sculptural stone/wax details were wonderfully complementary following yours...

    1. Crisp white...a good description, Lisa.. I also love that wax sculpture that Joan submitted...the textures remind me of coral.

  9. I'm seeing white on my computer screen, and I'm staring blanky into it bad that that's about as much as I can muster?
